Friday, May 13, 2011


Now, I never imagined getting the opportunity to study abroad in Spain, let alone getting the opportunity to travel to Italy for swimming and a bit of sight seeing.
To sum the experience up, I think the word spectacular would fit in quite well. The first day, was a bit challenging for me with the language, because it was as though I was once again brought back to ground zero when it came to communication skills. However it was nice to have people there that did understand me, either in Spanish or in English, and in Italian, well chao, prego and gratzie, were about the only words I took away from that experience. What amazed me was the fact that I was understanding things by the end of the trip, I could have a conversation with the coach almost perfectly. Once you learn one romantic language, you can understand them all... quite convenient.



Our team captain

please take a good luck at this picture, the bird and the boy. Of course I have another version, but I thought this one was a bit more interesting

our trip coincidented with the arrival of the Pope, you could say we killed 2 birds with one stone, sight seeing Venice and seeing the pope, all in one long, wonderful day.

Our girls team and one Italian

Group foto!
al agua

equipacion y todo

I never imagined that I would ever travel to Italy, and let alone under the circumstances that I did. At moments I felt emotionally touched, I feel as though this year, I'm the luckiest girl in the world, it seems as though everything is going perfectly.

I have to say that this trip made me realize just how much a part of this team I am, and want to be. Leaving is going to be the ultimate challenge...